Sky Crop Protection SA was established in 1991,
for Twenty Five years the proud Importer and Distributor of Sulky Sprayers to Southern Africa.

Good seedbed preparation is essential.
SKY offers a wide range of soil tillage implements from tine combines to power harrows. Their robustness, ease of use and performance will satisfy you.
Your crop yields are set from the moment you sow.
Precise seed placement ensures regular emergence and rapid growth of your crops. The high planting efficiency and easy-to-use adjustment of our seed drills enable you to control your sowing operations perfectly.

Improved crop nutrition for greater profitability.
The profitability of your crops is determined by the fertilization process. By using inputs more accurately, you can aim for higher yields and better quality crops.

SKY now offers a 7 year anti-corrosion guarantee against perforation for all DX, X and XT machines manufactured from 1rst of September 2019.
At SULKY, the values of listening, commitment and trust are the foundation of our Customer Relationship. For three generations, these values have guided our choices and decisions.
You are at the heart of our concerns when we design machines, because we share your pride in your work. With this in mind, we have developed our new products to ensure your profitability and satisfaction.
You can count on our commitment and dedication, working with you to restore true farming values.